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The purpose of this design was to illuminate light-emitting diodes (or LED's for short) on a guitar fret board in a designated pattern to show the musician what notes to play in a scale, based on the key signature represented by a letter A-G#, selected from a 12-position rotary switch and displayed on a 7-segment LED. The scale used in our design is the Pentatonic, consisting of only 5 tones before the repeated "octave", which is another term for the beginning tonic note of the scale origin. The targeted demographic for the design is the novice guitar player in the attempt to familiarize them with the pentatonic scale, which is crucial in musical development in both composition and improvisation skills. This scale was also chosen because it can also be used interchangeably between both a minor and major key. This would aid in preventing a user from easily becoming discouraged, which many do. This design could also be easily adapted to run a different application such as different scale, chord mapping, or even interval mapping simply by simply re-downloading a new program.

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